Dude, What?! Update Episode 04

October 8th 2018.JPG

Originally on Homers Radio Network October 8, 2018

Hey guys! This weeks release is another update from the boys at Dude, What?! Between the hiatus & vacations, the scheduling at Dude, What?! has been kind of all over the place. BUT FEAR NOT! We address these issues on this weeks episode along with a huge, extended edition of Movie Talk. Brian & Jim will chit chat over some things they’ve seen recently, but this time, they’re also talking about some upcoming Hollywood releases, along with some exciting news about upcoming episodes. That’s right! New, full fledged, Dude, What?! Movie Review episodes are on the horizon. Stay tuned for those! Thanks for subscribing & be sure to head over to www.facebook.com/dudewhatpodcast for all things Dude, What?!


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Episode 39- A Dark Past


Dude, What?! Update Episode 03