Dude, What?! Update Episode 03

September 15th 2018.JPG

Originally on Homers Radio Network September 15, 2018

Unfortunately for us, life sometimes gets in the way. So, we don’t have a straight up legit new episode for you this week. BUT!! We do have an update episode & it’s just as great & funny as your normal scheduled programming hers at Dude, What?! We’re doing Movie Talk (obviously), talking about the current state of the studio (yes, the studio is real!), & where we are mentally & metaphysically during this odd time for us. Plus, the mailbag this week offers up a couple of great questions from one of our many “Super Fans.” Tune in for some laughs & great movie conversation!

Jim Miller

Digital Troubadour | Creative Zealot | Social + Video + Web |

Founder of Humble Planet Media Group


Dude, What?! Update Episode 04


Episode 38- I need a Shower