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2420 Tales from the Studio: Ghost Stories
Happy Halloween from the Dude, What?! Movie Review Podcast. This is an extra special Episode to round out the 2023 Halloween Extravaganza. Brian sits down with friend of the show Stephen A. Turner (102.7 The Game) and share stories from their Ghost Hunting Adventures. grab the candy bowl, turn down the lights and enjoy this Paranormal Audio Experience.
DudeTable Discussion: Halloween Ends (2022)
The Dude, What?! Halloween Extravaganza 2023 is nearing an end. What better way than to revisit the discussion from last Years Film Halloween Ends. Brian and Jim talk about their friend Mike and the entire Halloween Franchise reboot.
Dude, What’s 4th Official Halloween Special
The guys from Dude, what?! are not finished Yet! this Episode is a special Audio Treat for Your Listening pleasure. Keep those lights Turned down and the candles lit it’s time for the 4th Official Dude, What?! Halloween Special. Let’s Go!
The Curse of Ebert: An American Werewolf in London, The Evil Dead, Young Frankenstein
The Dude, What?! Halloween Extravaganza continues with a Very Special Rerelease. Will the Movie Brian reveals be An American Werewolf in London, The Evil Dead, or Young Frankenstein? Listen Now to find out!
Dude, What’s 3rd Official Halloween Special
The guys from Dude, What?! movie Review Podcast continue the Halloween Festivities for 2023 by going back in time to the their 3rd Annual Halloween Special. This is a Super Mega Episode for Your Listening pleasure!
Stephen King: Carrie, The Green Mile, Stand By Me
The Halloween Extravaganza continues. In this episode the guys from Dude, What?! discuss a Stephen King Movie. What Movie will Brian Reveal that he hasn’t seen but should have already seen out of Carrie, The Green Mile, or Stand by Me? Listen now to find out?!
Dude, What’s 2nd Official Halloween Special
Another Episode from the Dude, What?! Halloween Extravaganza is here for Your listening Pleasure. The guys sit down to discuss a Horror movie that Brian has never seen and definitely should have seen as well as a monster amount of Treats for You. Have a seat and turn the lights down low for the Dude, What?! 2nd Official Halloween Special.
I Need a Shower: What Lies Beneath, Sleeping with the Enemy, Rosemary's Baby
The Dude, What?! Halloween Extravaganza takes a rather dark turn. This episode is full of History making moments. Brian Reveals a movie he hasn’t seen out of What Lies Beneath, Sleeping with the Enemy, or Rosemary’s Baby. Listen now to find out What’s in the Box?!
Dude, What’s First Halloween Special (2017)
the Dude, What?! Halloween Extravaganza continues as Brian and Jim Go Back in Time to their first ever Official Halloween Special (2017). This is the Episode where Halloween Traditions were made. Do not miss this jam packed episode of Spooky fun and Shenanigans.

Happy HalloWhat the Hell Was That?!: Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween
For part of the Dude, What?! Halloween Extravaganza Brian and Jim Go Back in Time to a Iconic Horror Episode. This is a Scary Episode but for not the reasons One would think. What could Terrify Brian to the core? Listen now to find Out.
DudeTable Discussion: Knock at the Cabin (2023)
The guys were able to enjoy a night out on opening Weekend of the M. Night Shyamalan Film Knock at the Cabin. Join Brian & Jim as they get into a Deep Spoiler Filled Conversation about Knock at the Cabin.
DudeTable Discussion: Army of the Dead (2021)
Brian & Jim get together to talk about one of Netflix’s biggest Hyped movies of 2021 (so far). Did Netflix crack the code to zombie movies? Join the guys as they talk about a highly anticipated movie of 2021. It’s going to get a little wild in this special Bonus Episode of a Dude Table Discussion: Army of the Dead Edition!
Dudetable Discussion: Stranger Things 4 Vol.1
The guys enter the Upside Down and talk about the Netflix Phenomenon known as Stranger Things. Just in time for the release of Season 4 Volume II. There are massive Stranger Things spoilers ahead. Listen Now if you dare!
DudeTable Discussion: Halloween 2023 Kickoff
The Fellas from Dude, What?! Kickoff October with a bang! Brian and Jim talk about what episodes to expect for October, discuss some behind the scenes of some of their favorite Spooky Episodes, and just all around get into the Halloween Mood. It’s October 1st and the guys have a whole lot of Treats for You this Year. Enjoy!
Duderector’s Cut: Back to the Future
Sit down with the guys & watch a Pop Culture movie everyone has seen. In this special Bonus episode Brian & Jim sit down and watch Back to the Future while recording their commentary. In this interactive episode you can cue up your movie with Brian, JIm & experience it, Dude, What?! style. Grab your popcorn, fill your drink, Pop in your copy of Back to the Future and listen now!
Turning the Tables: a Dude, What?! Original
The Guys are back with another Dude, What?! Original. This time Brian is Turning the Tables on Jim and the Movie Selection happens to be a Baseball Themed Movie. Jim is known to not be a huge Sports guy. Will Brian’s selection be a strike out or help Bring Jim Home? Listen Now to Find Out!
Lil’ Douche: White Chicks, Wedding Crashers Wayne’s World
Brian and Jim set out to lighten the mood from the last episode with the category “Comedies that begin with W”. What movie has Brian never seen but should have seen out of White Chicks, Wedding Crashers, Wayne’s World? Listen now to find out.
Heavy: A Time To Kill, Mississippi Burning, American History X
Brian and Jim take a look at another Dude, What?! Original. This episode is full of deep discussion, great behind the scenes conversations. This episode is where Dude, What?! began to change it’s course from a standard Movie Review Podcast to a full on Audio Experience for the Movie Lover!
The Original DudeTable Discussion
Brian and Jim sit down and discuss an important Dude, What?! Milestone. The first ever DudeTable Discussion was created back in September of 2017. This Episode is Jam packed with all kinds of movie Talk, TV Conversation and the guys take some time to give behind the scenes Notes along the way.
Goin’ Down: Running Man, Commando, Predator
The Fellas are back with another Dude, What?! Original and this time it is a very special Category. Brian and Jim are talking about an Arnold Schwarzenegger Movie. What movie has brian never seen out of Running Man, Predator, or Commando? Will Brian’s review rise to the heights of fandom or will it crash and burn?! Listen Now to Find Out!