Dude, What?! Update Episode 02

July 4th 2018.JPG

Originally on Homers Radio Network July 4, 2018

We here at Dude, What?! know that the hiatus from regularly scheduled programming is killing you. So, Brian & Jim have decided to sit down at the 2420 West Studios amidst the construction of the studio & give you guys a little update. We’re gonna be talking about the studio & it’s progress, some Movie Talk (of course), & we’ll also discuss the most recent GIF battle from our Facebook page. If you haven’t checked it out yet, head on over to Facebook & search for Dude, What?! Podcast. you won’t be disappointed. Also, stick around till the end for an exciting announcement!


Digital Troubadour | Creative Zealot | Social + Video + Web |

Founder of Humble Planet Media Group


Episode 35- War is Hell


Dude, What?! update Episode 01