Dude, What?! update Episode 01

May 29th 2018.JPG

Originally on Homers Radio Network Week of May 28th, 2018

How the hell are ya, Duders?! It’s been a little bit since we’ve released an actual show so we thought we’d quench your Dude, What?! thirst with a little update show. we’re gonna talk about what has been going on since we’ve announced the hiatus; all the things that could go wrong & did go wrong, an update on the studio (YES, IT’S ACTUALLY HAPPENING!!), & some exciting news about new projects coming up in the near future. we also talk about our stint as judges for the 10th Annual May Day Film Festival that took place on May 18th, & 19th, right here in Evansville, IN!


Digital Troubadour | Creative Zealot | Social + Video + Web |

Founder of Humble Planet Media Group


Dude, What?! Update Episode 02


Duderector’s Cut: The Goonies