Fun Fact: Welcome

Written by: Jim Miller

There are many types of Movie Lovers on this ball of gas called Earth. For every human on this planet that has seen a movie there is an equal number of viewpoints about movies. However, at the end of the day I believe most movie loving people would fall into one of two categories:

The Movie Watcher


the Movie Dissector

Now I know it’s not polite to paint with a large brush. After all, who do I think I am, Bob Ross?!


Oh, don’t you worry! I can see the film laden forest beyond this happy tree in front of me. I recognize that Movie Lovers sometimes have traits from both categories, but based on the feedback Brian and I get from fans of Dude, What?! it would seem that people lean toward movie watcher or movie dissector.

Movie Watcher

Hot buttery goodness smothering the bucket of popcorn

Ice cold, deliciously sweet carbonated beverage

Overhead Lights turned down

Surround sound turned up

Forgetting the ebb and flow of life while losing the weights of the daily grind, everything is set to have an enjoyable movie experience. To love movies for the mere entertainment factor is at the core of The Movie Watcher. Honestly, the whole reason Brian & I started Dude, What?! a Movie Review Podcast was for the shear joy of watching movies and maybe so I could get out of the house. (I may or may not have shared that confession way back on episodes 001 and 002)

Listen to Episode 001

Listen to Episode 001


Movie dissector

The feel of a new pen flowing over the notepad

Observation of lighting and direction choices

Thinking deeply about the story telling

Ears tuned into the sound design

The critics lab has been setup for a movie breakdown.

The task of picking apart a movie is an entirely different experience. By trading in the role of movie watcher for critical thinker, you forgo the sensation of getting lost in movie magic and begin trying to understand how the magic is made. Viewing movies through a critical lens is at the core of The Movie Dissector. Having recorded the podcast for awhile now , I realize I now dissect everything when watching movies on my own. Which makes me a perfect example of this category.

I would like to think that we have attempted to incorporate both categories of movie lovers in our episodes (why the different feedback maybe?!). Which brings me to the purpose of this and every future blog post. If you would indulge me just a moment longer I would like to officially say:

“Welcome to Fun Fact with Jim”


Fun Fact

Before our very first episode Brian and I had discussed what my role as cohost of the “worlds greatest podcast” would be. Then we talked about what I could do while hosting the back half of Dude, What?! My fate had been decided rather quickly. I would be the guy who would drop little truth nuggets about the movie we would be reviewing. So, I awkwardly took up my mantle as the cinematic Gretel to Brian’s Hansel. I have attempted to drop little breadcrumbs of movie facts along the way ever since.

Now I will attempt to carry that mantle here. After all, I did somehow become known as a “movie buff” more than what I really am.

I know. I know.

It’s because I’m the Fun Fact guy.

Well here is a Fun Fact for you:

I’m just a Movie Watcher that “by necessity” became a Movie Dissector

Whew, getting that off my chest has me feeling better already! Don’t get me wrong, I actually enjoy doing research for most of the movies we’ve reviewed but it has taken some time to move beyond just being entertained. Sorry Russell Crowe . . .


Maybe it’s this transition that moved Brian and I to create our “Mission” at Dude, What?1

Our Mission is simply:

“We create a community that embraces the everyday movie lover and inspires them to engage with film beyond entertainment.”

That really is our hope with everything we do here at Dude, What?! The ways we have attempted to accomplish this (besides our Podcast) is in Brian’s One Final Thought , the Articles & Reviews we’ve written in Movie Talk, and here with Fun Fact!

I enjoy story telling.

I enjoy film.

I enjoy peeling back layers to better understand things.

All of these are things you can expect to have woven into this little blog in the future. At times, I hope to give you a glimpse behind the scenes of the show with some Dude Facts. I would like to revisit some of the films that Brian and I have tackled on different episodes and go a little deeper with some Historical Facts. Maybe share fun facts about what was going through my head at Brian’s response. I may also share little facts that didn’t make the show or some more Movie Facts. Other times I plan to just share stories about how a particular film has impacted me.

Fun Fact will be a place for me to share all of these things and more! The future will tell, but my aim will be to create here what Brian and I have created elsewhere. A place for movie lovers of all kinds to join the conversation. So, whether you’re a Movie Watcher or a Movie Dissector, there will be something here for you and that, my friend, is a Fun Fact!

Jim Miller is the Co-Host of Dude, What?! He likes brushes, facts, and stories.


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