Episode 47- Return of the Puns


Originally on Homers Radio Network August 25, 2019

The boys are finally back with another episode of the Dude, What?! Movie Review Podcast. Life struggles & ever increasing housework has put a damper on the recording schedule, but fear not! We are here now & ready to rock & Roll. Join Brian & Jim as they pull a Political Thriller from the Hollywood Vault & try not to get sucked into the dirty vortex known as Washington, D.C. Also, we’re talking about some NEW movies that are coming soon to the big screen in our Coming Attractions segment. Plus, we give a very special shout out to someone near & dear to the show. And Let us just say right now, you DO NOT want to miss the “Brian takes on the World” segment after the Film breakdown. Classic hilarity as Brian deals with his ongoing issues with Roger Egbert. We give it “Two Thumbs Up!”


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