Episode 43- “10,297”


Originally on Homers Radio Network February 18, 2019

The fellas at the Dude, What?! Movie Review Podcast are back & ready to bring you another full fledged, jam packed, brand new episode! This week, Brian & Jim crack open the Hollywood Vault to bring you another film that Brian hasn’t seen, but should have already seen. Our category is Animated Features & this is our 2nd time covering this topic & trust me, you do not want to miss the reveal! Also this week, we’re taking questions from our loyal listeners in the All Access Fan Club (tune in to the show to find out how to get in) which inadvertently leads to Jim being called into question about his “heartfelt” Sorry, Not Sorry segment from the last episode. Plus, we have a pretty hefty Movie Talk this week covering some great stuff we’ve seen in our time off from the show. You do not want to miss out on this episode! thanks, as always, for downloading the show & checking us out.


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