Dude, what?! Update Episode 06

June 10th 2019.JPG

Originally on Homers Radio Network June 9, 2019

What’s going on, Duders! The boys at the Dude, What?! Movie Review Podcast are looking to get their show schedule back on the right track just in time for Summer Break! Before Brian & Jim roll out another installment of the show, they’ve decided to bring you a Dude, What?! Update to get you up to speed on what’s happening at the 2420 West Studios. On this episode, Jim shares his experience at the 11th Annual May Day Film Festival in Evansville, Indiana & also talks about the great independent film community in the Tri-State Area. Also, we bring an extended segment of Movie Talk to you guys & break down some recent hits including the Meg, The upside, & of course, Avengers: End Game. You’ll also hear some heartfelt apologies in the Sorry, Not Sorry segment (we’ve got a lot to apologize for), disagreements with a recent film review from a #superfan in our Mailbag, & of course, all kinds of laughs & wacky shenanigans from the boys. Do not miss this episode! Thanks for tuning in & enjoy the show!


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Episode 46- Pray. . .or Prey?


Episode 45- Dudetable Discussion: Marvel Edition